Sheila Henderson 7th March 2023

I so wish I could have been with you over this very heart breaking time. A time which leaves us all at our lowest ebb, and wanting to console and comfort each other over our great loss. I so wish I could have had a chance to see Mandy and chat with her and helped you all earlier. I have felt for Mandy all the way, unable to help her and knowing that you both had reached a time of retirement, and living in the lovely house and Garden you both have created. You both have worked so hard and deserved time now to enjoy it all. I was so pleased when Mandy took an interest in Gardening and Birds and Butterflies and it kept me interested in all she was growing and planning and I know she got a lot of joy from it. I'm glad too she got so much pleasure and fun with Elijah, there were so many happy times to come but life doesn't always give you want we long for. Mandy will be sorely missed by all, and her happy outlook but you have so many happy memories to help. I will be thinking so much of you all and wishing I could help. With all my Love always Mum xxx